Some renters say they have relocated after a price hike in Kingston
Rent prices in Kingston have increased by 7.2% in 12 months, leaving some young people struggling to find affordable housing.
According to the Office for National Statistics, the average monthly rent for a house in Kingston Upon Thames (as of September 2024) is £1,685, an increase of 7.2% over the previous year, when renters paid an average of £1,572 per month.

The average rent for detached properties and flats in Kingston increased by 7.3%, reaching £1,491, as well as terraced properties, which rose by 6.8%, reaching £1,992.

One-bed and four-or-more bedroom properties increased in rent by respectively 7.8% and 5.4% with one-bedrooms reaching £1,276 and more than four bedrooms reaching £2,676 monthly.

This increase in rent has affected some young people and students, who say they have been forced to look for accommodation outside of the Kingston area.
Ruhaan Shaikh, a Kingston University student, said that he had to move to Hounslow, which is an hour away on public transport.
“The primary reason for my move was financial,” Shaikh said. “Moving to a different borough allowed me to reduce my living costs significantly, making it easier to focus on my studies and manage my budget effectively.”
The new, longer commute to university has come with challenges.
“Delays and occasional disruptions have sometimes caused me to arrive late or even miss a few lectures, which can be frustrating,” said Shaikh, who takes the earliest bus to university.
The increase in rent prices has caused some people to relocate and change their plans.
Martha Smith, 27, spent her whole life living in Kingston, until she could not afford to pay her rent anymore.
“I am now living in Twickenham. I was living in a one-bedroom house in Kingston, but I couldn’t keep up with the price anymore, I cannot afford to buy groceries and extras if my whole salary goes for paying rent,” said Smith.
She now pays £700 monthly compared to the £1,895 in Kingston, saving £1,195.
Student accommodation has proved expensive for many.
“I was going to move into student accommodation but I feel like it’s too expensive, I’d rather save the money and use it for something else,” said Callie Betancourth, a Kingston University student pursuing a Foundation Diploma in Art.
Betancourth lives in Surrey, and driving to university takes her around 40 minutes.
According to Surrey County Council, figures from the Office of National Statistics showed that the average monthly rent in boroughs like Waverley and Surrey Heath was £1,421 and £1,429 respectively.
Kingston’s rent increase sits within the London wide trend for higher rents. The Office of National Statistics classified London as the city with the highest rent inflation in the United Kingdom in the 12 months leading up to August 2024, with an average increase of 9.6%.
Kingston’s rent increase, even if slightly below the London average, was comparable to nearby boroughs, such as Hounslow, which saw an increase of 12.4%, and Richmond, with an increase of 10.5% compared to the previous year.
Meanwhile, the highest rent was reported in Kensington and Chelsea with an average monthly rent of £3,418.