Kingston police and council to host a Women’s Innovation Hub

Kingston police in partnership with Kingston council are hosting a women’s innovative hub on 16 December at Kingsgate Church from 10am-4pm.

The hub is an opportunity for females in the area and parents of young women to speak to the police and local partners around the area who are working to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).

Kingston Neighbourhood’s Inspector Trudy Hutchinson said: “This is an exciting opportunity for the Police in collaboration with the Local Authorities to work with our communities and bring about change through open discussion and feedback.”

The hub will have themes of discussion including: where do people feel unsafe in Kingston, do people know how to report crimes, what are the police doing right and what can they improve on, amongst other topics.

After the discussion, there will be a follow up event in Spring for the police and council to share what they have done since the initial meeting, it will also give attendees an opportunity to share if they believe things have improved or not.

“It is only through listening and learning from our communities that we will continue in tackling these terrible crimes and bring about the change we all strive for- to stop VAWG, ” said Hutchison. 

There will be more events throughout the new year including conversations with young males and the LGTBQ+ community.

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