Kingston environmentalist warns climate change is “going to get worse”

Research from the World Meteorological Organization predicts more devastating natural disasters if human activity continues to release high amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The Kingston Environmental Centre is paying attention to the science and continues to be a hub of sustainability for locals.

Jean Vidler, manager of Kingston Environment Centre, said: “The annoying thing is the government has known for the past thirty years about the negative impact of global warming on the environment.

“The solution to the climate crisis is to take action where the government won’t.

“Take responsibility for your lifestyle choices and get involved in the protests otherwise climate change is only going to get worse.”

Dr Tariq Shabbeer, PHD Climate Change and former Director of the Kingston Environment Centre said:

“The government needs to introduce green policies in every sector in order to attempt to reverse climate change.

“Every living thing is threatened by the rising temperatures of greenhouse emissions heating up our planet.”

The Kingston Environment Centre runs Kingston Green Radio and workshops that encourage sustainable living.

Volunteers contribute to running Kingston Green Radio and workshops, such as how to transform food waste into compost.

Volunteer and radio host at Kingston Green Radio Gam Gurung said: “I enjoy the gardening workshops.

Volunteering simply makes me happy because I’m doing something about this climate emergency.”

The Kingston Environment Centre also supports community sustainability initiatives, such as community gardens.

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