The first anniversary of the signing of Article 50 on March 29 was marked with a number of protests across the United Kingdom.
Campaigners staged a demonstration outside No.10 Downing Street and called it ‘EU Superhero Day’.
Activists from N0.10 Vigil, an anti-Brexit campaign, were dressed in superhero costumes.
They toured along the streets of London in an open double decker bus starting from St Pancras station and stopped at Richmond Terrace for their weekly rally, which has been taking place for the past year.

“All we want to do today is to celebrate everyone who has been working so hard to stop Brexit. The 29th March will not be independence day but EU Superhero day,” said a member of the campaign dressed as Green Lantern.
Named as the EU Supergirl, Madeleina Kay, an active member of No.10 Vigil said: “We will do everything we can to spread the message that Brexit must be stopped and we will make that happen by demanding another vote.”
“Eurosceptics and right wing press have dominated people for decades. The aim of EU superhero day is to start a positive narrative about the EU in this country.”
She said the decision to leave the EU was akin to hitting the “self destruct button”, forcing an unwanted future on young people across the U.K.
No.10 Vigil launched a campaign encouraging British citizens to write to their local MP.

No.10 Vigil, a protest group which now has more than a thousand remainers, was started by Diane Datson with a small group of people on February 22 last year.
Since then it has conducted demonstrations regularly opposite Downing Street. Passers-by see a caricature of the prime minister’s head on a stick, a plethora of blue and yellow flags and a fake Boris Johnson.
Drew Galdron, 34, impersonating the foreign secretary and known for his satirical Brexit songs, has been a part of the campaign since its inception and is always present for the protests.
He said: “One time, there was supposed to be a pro-Brexit march but none of their members turned up due to the winter but we came for our rally.
“Brexiteers keep saying to us to ‘get over it’ but that’s because they only understand this as being a difference of views…
“But what it actually is a difference of values and awareness,” he said.

EU Supergirl argues with Farage
Ambassador for the UK’s ‘Young European movement’, Kay, was given the ‘Young European of the Year’ 2018 award by the European Commission for her efforts towards promoting EU and its values on March 28.
“I have come this far credits to crowdfunding and my passion,” she said.
On 29 March, she appeared on BBC Daily Politics with Nigel Farage, Labour MP for Wakefield Mary Creagh and Conservative MP for Braintree James Cleverley.
“While I was questioning [Farage] about the Brexit lies recently called out by whistleblowers and the failures to live-up to his responsibilities on the fisheries policies, he was slagging off my jumper and that’s the level of his argument,” she said.
The host Jo Coburn had to bring it to an end to avoid a face-off.

Kay was outraged at the fact that while on BBC, her achievement of the European award was not mentioned.

“I am very disappointed that I worked so hard, got recognition and media coverage from Europe but nothing from our national press,” Kay said.
“There has been an ongoing backlash on the remain campaigns in the media particularly by BBC. We organise rallies throughout the country with tens and thousands of people attending but they won’t report on it,” said the musician from Sheffield.
No.10 Vigil will be in Kingston upon Thames on 9 April in town centre for another rally from 1pm to 3pm.