New data from the Office of National Statistics analysing the mortality rates of young people suggests no change in the number of deaths following the Covid vaccinations.
The data, published by the Office of National Statistics on March 22, analysed the number of cardiac-related deaths, or deaths occurring from any other causes among 12 to 29-year-olds after being vaccinated.
To assess how the number of cardiac deaths related to the Covid vaccines, the ONS compared the number of deaths in two time periods. The first time period was weeks one to six following vaccination (risk period), and the second was weeks seven to twelve (baseline period).
The ONS said: “We analysed deaths of vaccinated people aged 12 to 29 years that occurred up to 2 February 2022 and were registered by 16 February 2022, and vaccinations that were recorded up to 2 February 2022.
“In this self-controlled case series study, we estimated the incidence rate ratio of cardiac-related death and all cause deaths, comparing deaths in the risk period with deaths in the baseline period.”
According to the results there were more reported deaths of young people in England last year than the average number of deaths in 2015 to 2019. But, there was no excess of deaths related to circulatory diseases, such as heart attacks.
Table: Number of reported deaths in England for selected underlying causes in those aged 15 to 29 years, by year of occurrence of death.

The results show the percentage of young people who died from various underlying causes, what the causes were and the years they occurred. Although the overall percentage of deaths related to diseases of the circulatory system grew from 2020, the average number of recorded deaths in total remained similar throughout.
In 2021 the number of reported deaths related to circulatory disease made up 79.3 per cent of all other external causes of people aged 15-29. In 2020 the number of reported deaths related to the same causes made up only 18.3 per cent, and in 2019 it was 2.5 per cent.
Despite the percentage increasing the number of reported deaths related to circulatory diseases had only slightly increased from the yearly average prior to the pandemic. There were 241 reported deaths in England related to circulatory diseases, whereas the yearly average between 2015 to 2019 was 254.
The ONS said: “The safety of these vaccines is still of concern. An extensive international programme of surveillance and research monitors potential adverse effects.
“The overall picture is reassuring, but there are some reports of potential side effects, including an alleged association between vaccination and mild myocarditis and myopericarditis in young people.”