Video by Chloe Wright
March 31 marked the 12th anniversary of International Transgender Day of Visibility.
The day aims to celebrate the successes and resilience of the gender non-conforming and transgender people.
Alex Svendsen, a student at Middlesex University, said: “It makes me feel recognised, although I wish there wasn’t such a big stigma [surrounding the day].
“The majority of people who are trans want to be a man or a woman, not a trans man, or a trans woman.”
The Government estimates between 200,000 and 500,000 people living in the UK are transgender. The recent census will hopefully provide more clarity on these figures.
A Government LGBT+ survey carried out found 67 per cent of people had “avoided being open about their gender identity for fear of a negative reaction from others”.
If you believe you might be transgender and do not know what it means or what to do, Switchboard LGBT+ helpline are available to help.