Boris visits Kingston to boost green growth

Speaking at the launch of the Green Business Bootcamp in Kingston, London mayor Boris Johnson pledged that London would lead the rest of the country in the bid to reduce carbon emissions.<--break->“></p>

<p>Mr Johnson said:  “London is on target to reach a 60 per cent cut in carbon emissions by 2025, and we intend to do even better than that. It really is the only way to deal with carbon emissions in a big city.” </p>

<p>In his speech Mr Johnson praised London long-standing ‘green traditions’ and suggested that environmentally-friendly policies were the key to economic growth.</p>

<p>“It is not only about making the city cleaner and greener, it is also about driving jobs and growth”, he said. </p>

<p>This is in stark contrast to the chancellor George Osborne, who told Conservative party conference in October that “we’re not going to save the planet by putting our country out of business”.</p>

<p>The ‘Green Business Bootcamp’ is a series of workshops, hosted by Kingston University, designed to assist businesses create environmentally-friendly products and services.</p>

<p>The indegifatible mayor entertained local delegates with a run-down of his favourite exhibits, such as “the beautiful wooden bodice and its skirt made of malt and terry-fungus underpants” and a biodegradable coffin. “You can be buried in your own favourite newspapers or papier-mache comprising the books you have written and failed to sell”.</p>

<p>Mr Johnson provided a lighter moment when he commandeered a three-wheeled ‘Raptor ecospin’ motorcycle. Asked to pose for photographs on the white moped, he decided it was worthy of a test-drive.</p>

<p>The mayor kick-started the Raptor and promptly made his way through the crowd, out of the campus grounds and onto Grange Road.</p>

<p>He continued for more than a hundred yards, beckoning a number astonished locals as he went.</p>

<p>You can view a picture gallery of <a href=Boris in Kingston here.

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